Origin of paulbyoung.com

Summary to now.  July 18 2018.   
Reading Lower Your Taxes Big TIme by Sandy Botkin implied the way to reduce takes is with your own business.
I had previously considered my own business about 8 years ago.   At the time I picked up a book on starting your own business.  The first pages said, paraphrasing, "Starting a business can be a huge undertaking, if you have small children, this is not the time".    Simon and Camille were both under 4 years old.  I did not read another page, I returned the book to the library.
Perhaps I put the cart before the horse in that there is no business yet, but a a few weeks ago I randomly surfed for domains and found that paulbyoung.com was available.   
I chose Hover as my domain register on the advice of Steve Gibson.  I listen to his Security Now podcast regularly.
Today on July 18 I chose Square Space as my web hosting platform based on it being easy for a newbie.   Wordpress is better for a second or tenth website.